Articles by 0 June, 2022

 Israeli cyber company Cybereason has laid off about 100 employees out of about 1,500
558 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Financial

The cuts in the high-tech industry continue: The Israeli cyber company Cybereason has laid off about 100 employees out of about 1,500 employees, about 6% of the company's workforce. The layoffs are global and several dozen of those laid off are Israelis. The company has not yet explained the reason for the decision, but it comes against the background of horizontal layoffs that have occurred in recent weeks in many companies abroad and in Israel, including in the cyber industry - and including well-funded companies. Adam, after a period of rapid growth in the number of employees, indeed,...

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Jun 1, 2022

Government will flow NIS 1.7 billion to the Israel Postal Company and 1,050 employees will be fired
7357 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Start Up

The state will invest about NIS 1.7 billion to the Israel Postal Company as part of the convalescence agreement approved by the company's board of directors, on the assumption that the investment will be worthwhile in preparation for the full privatization of the post office. As part of the agreement, 1,050 employees will retire from the post office in the first phase, with the average provision cost per employee reaching NIS 1.1 million. The total cost of rehabilitating the post office will reach NIS 2.3 billion. In addition to a payment of NIS 1.7 billion for the allocation of employees,...

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Jun 3, 2022

The average wage in Israel continued to rise in March by 5.2% - Amounted to  NIS 12,672
365 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Financial

The average wage in Israel continued to rise, and as of March was NIS 12,672, according to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics. This is an increase of 5.2% compared to the previous month and an increase of 1.5% compared to the corresponding period last year. However, the increase in the average wage is explained as a seasonal change. The average high-tech salary in March was NIS 29,772, a decrease of about 1% compared to the previous month and an increase of 2.5% compared to the corresponding period last year. The average wage in high-tech is 2.4 times higher than the average wage...

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Jun 4, 2022

After quite a few delays the "Shark" rig arrived in Israel and infuriated the Lebanese government
448 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Government

After quite a few delays, the "Shark" rig arrived in Israel and infuriated the Lebanese. The reason for this lies in the conflict over the economic maritime border between Israel and Lebanon, an area with the potential to find gas reserves that could dramatically improve the precarious economic situation of the land of cedars. In order to protect the rig, last week the Economics Committee approved a no-go zone at a distance of about 500 meters from the outer edge of the rig, and within a radius of 1,500 meters around the location of the rig. In Israel, they intend to produce gas from a...

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Jun 5, 2022

Dudi Ezra owner of Neto Holdings was arrested on suspicion of smuggling 475,000 euros abroad
1313 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Financial

Dudi Ezra, the controlling owner of the Neto Holdings group and chairman of the group, was arrested by the tax authority on suspicion of smuggling more than 475,000 euros abroad. After being brought to the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court on Monday, he was released on restrictive conditions. The request for arrest and release on bail submitted by the Tax Authority against Ezra shows that the Jerusalem Customs and VAT Investigations Department, in cooperation with the customs inspectors at Ben Gurion Airport's passenger hall, is conducting an investigation against Ezra on suspicion of smuggling...

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Jun 6, 2022

 U.S. Supreme Court asked Biden administration's whether to hear a lawsuit against NSO by Meta
413 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday sought the Biden administration's opinion on whether to hear a lawsuit filed by Meta's subsidiary, WhatsApp, against the NSO group. The court is examining the appeal filed by NSO regarding a lower court decision, which allowed the lawsuit to proceed. The spy company claimed to have acted as an agent for foreign governments whose identities were not disclosed when it installed the Pegasus software. The messaging app said the software was used to track 1,400 people, including journalists, human rights activists and regime opponents. The Supreme Court today...

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Jun 6, 2022

Is Corona back in Istrael? Coefficient of infection is higher than 1: 3,731 have been infected
384 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Health

The number of verified people reached a peak of a month and a half yesterday, the Corona also made a comeback in the Knesset - and now the Ministry of Health is re-launching the information campaign and may postpone the abolition of isolation for verified people. Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, who himself was positive about the virus yesterday, convened a discussion with senior officials of his ministry this afternoon (Tuesday) following the increase in morbidity, and it was finally decided that alongside the renewal of the information campaign, the elderly population and people at risk...

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Jun 7, 2022

Government is falling? Ministry of Finance officials have postponed budget discussions
339 Views Details

Ministry of Finance officials have already estimated that their work on the 2023 budget will probably be in vain, and this evening on Wednesday Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman confirmed the assessment and announced that budget discussions are frozen at this stage. This is after the coalition suffered another discrimination in the Knesset with the minimum wage law of the opposition, which passed a preliminary reading contrary to the government's position. Lieberman said after his decision: "This is not the right time to bring in a budget, until everything calms down and stabilizes."

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Jun 8, 2022

 Corona morbidity rises and coefficient of infection climbed to 1.28 - No restrictions are planed
351 Views Details

by Ifi Reporter

Category: Health

Following the rise in corona morbidity, and after health ministry experts recommended Wednesday return and wear masks indoors and in gatherings, Corona projector Prof. Salman Zarka said today that the rise in morbidity "worries senior Ministry of Health officials". He recommended to "be careful and put on a mask indoors", but clarified that "Israel will not obligate the public to regulations and restrictions. " In an interview with prof. Zarka the project manager referred to the increase in morbidity and said that "we are monitoring it and conducting situation assessments. As the increase...

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Jun 9, 2022

The deficit as a percentage of GDP in the last 12 months has dropped to zero!
289 Views Details

The deficit as a percentage of GDP in the last 12 months has dropped to zero (-0.4%) as of May, the lowest rate since 2008. This is according to May data published today (Thursday) by the Ministry of Finance. This is the fifth month in a row that the state budget surplus has been measured. The total budget surplus since the beginning of the year amounted to NIS 33.3 billion, compared with a deficit of NIS 34.8 billion in the corresponding period last year. The budget surplus measured in May alone amounted to NIS 1.4 billion, compared with a NIS 7.8 billion deficit measured in May last year

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Jun 9, 2022

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