33.4% of employees in high-tech - are women and 9.4% of the CEOs who have set up start-ups


by Ifi Reporter Category:Hitech Mar 7, 2022

A report by the Innovation Authority shows that the participation rate of women in high-tech is low - about a third of the employees. Only about nine and a half percent of the CEOs who have set up start-up companies are women and in fifty-seven percent of the major venture capital funds in recent years there is no woman appointed as a partner.
The report also shows that forty-nine percent of all students in five units in mathematics are women and only about a third of those who take matriculation exams in computer science are women.

23% of those serving in development and cyber positions in compulsory service in the IDF are women. 30.7% of students in the extended high-tech professions are girls. 28% of those working in core technological positions are women.
Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Orit Farkash HaCohen: "This is an important report by the Innovation Authority that shows us all the challenge of integrating women in the high-tech industry in Israel. Since I took office, we work with the Innovation, Science and Technology Ministry. "To increase the number of women in high-tech in the next two years and increase to 45% women in the PA's trainings. The Innovation Authority has a variety of tools to promote this important issue and together a change is made."
Dror Bin, CEO of the Innovation Authority: "The participation rate of women in high-tech in Israel and the capital they manage to raise is also low in a global comparison. In order to reduce the gender gap, the processes must be accelerated and action must be taken at each of the stages in a joint effort by the high-tech industry and the various government bodies. The Israeli high-tech industry is at the forefront of Israeli innovation and breaks records every year. However, when it comes to gender equality - Israeli high-tech is still behind. About a third of its employees are women, and this rate does not increase over the years. At every stage on the way to the high-tech industry and then within it, women constitute a minority. As one rises to the senior ranks, one examines the founding rate of startups or partnership in venture capital funds the situation only gets worse. In recent years, there have been buds for encouraging signs of growth in the rate of female students joining the extended high-tech professions, an increase in the rate of access to matriculation in computer science and other indices. But progress is slow. "Higher participation of women in high-tech is key to tackling the problem of human capital shortages for this industry."



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