Train resumes service: passengers need a ticket and a voucher but are not allowed to eat or drink


by Ifi Reporter Category:Government Jun 21, 2020

The train will return to activity on Monday morning after months of disabling, since the Corona virus erupted. The opening is made possible after the decision of the Corona Cabinet last week, which approved the opening after several rejections.
The opening of the train has become imperative, as the economy has returned to activity, traffic jams have increased without a proper public transport alternative, and the need for an effective mobility solution has become critical for the public. The train was run this past week and drafted a plan to run it, under new health ministry restrictions.
Apart from the obligation to book a travel ticket in advance, there will be a duty to issue a voucher for the train station (Wauchar) in addition to the ticket. Pre-order tickets will be made for epidemiological tests. The voucher, which will be sent to passengers after booking, will have a barcode to be scanned at the entrance to the stations. There will be a restriction on purchasing a voucher every three hours to avoid a situation where you purchase entries for a few different hours in advance to reserve space without actually arriving. The number of watchers is determined by segmentation of the number of passengers expected at each station, according to simulations conducted.
There is no technological option yet to cancel a station voucher, but the train is working on improving the system. Older populations and those who do not have internet access will be able to order and outsource through the increased customer service focus. It will be possible to pre-order a return voucher to enter the train.
Reservations for self-service trips, limited to up to 500 passengers by train at any given moment, will be done online in advance (website or app) or by telephone through customer service. As of 15:30 today, 30,000 vouchers have been sold to enter the stations tomorrow. The leading ones - all Tel Aviv stations, Haifa Carmel Coast, Nahariya, Binyamina, Ashdod and Rehovot.
Flight attendants standing a few meters from the entrance to the station will scan the barcode through a reader or through identification, as a means of controlling the amount of arrivals. If a technical problem occurs and the waiter does not work, passengers will be able to go to the flotation position and troubleshooting at the station entrance and away from the queue. On the train, they claim that after treatment, passengers will be able to enter the station without queuing. The train also claims that there will be flight attendants who will make decisions instead of opening more queues if loads are created, which is expected to happen.
After checking in, passengers will arrive at the guard post, where they will pass through gates on them with thermal cameras that check body heat. In stations where there is a possibility for the size of the station, walking on the docks will be done on two routes - back and forth, to reduce friction between the walkers in the halls.
The train ride will only be allowed for 500 passengers. The Ministry of Health permits travel at 75% occupancy. A train can hold about a thousand passengers, but the train has taken a margin of confidence that will allow it to test its means of limiting passengers and meeting the reality test. According to Railways CEO Micha Meeksner, if the company sees that the queue reservation system and distance keeping mechanisms are maintained, and that the public is obeyed, the maximum number of passengers will be increased.
In addition to restrictions on the number of passengers at stations and carriages, additional rules for maintaining health in cars will be prohibited from eating in cars, prompting not to talk on the phone and maintaining hygiene. In addition, there will be care for passengers to get off before boarding the cars. In accordance with the Ministry of Health guidelines, the Corona Director is appointed at each station.



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