Job Vacancies Decrease Signaling Potential Economic Slowdown Amidst Cost of Living Concerns


by Ifi Reporter Category:Government Aug 17, 2023

In a recent report released by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on Thursday, the number of job vacancies in the economy for July totaled approximately 116,948. This figure marked a slight decline from June, which had recorded about 122,228 vacancies. The vacancy rate continued its downward trend, currently standing at 3.7%.

The consistent decrease in job vacancies over the past several months could be indicative of a potential economic slowdown. Analysts speculate that this trend might be attributed to job seekers facing tough choices as they consider compromising on job options due to the rising cost of living. Additionally, it appears that employers across various sectors are adopting a more cautious approach, becoming less active in creating new job openings, possibly due to financial constraints.

However, a glimmer of positivity is observed within the high-tech sector. The demand for workers in this field experienced a slight rebound in July, breaking a streak of declining vacancies. Notably, software developers witnessed a 3% increase in the number of vacancies, totaling 5,520, during the months of May to July as compared to the preceding period of April to June. Moreover, a positive trend was identified among engineers encompassing various disciplines, including computer, electrical, industrial, management, and mechanical engineering. Vacancies for these roles collectively rose by 5%, reaching a total of 9,367.

In contrast, certain sectors faced significant declines in job vacancies. Engineers and technicians experienced a notable 9% decrease, with vacancies dwindling to 3,735. Similarly, sales workers, comprising sales agents, sales representatives, sales assistants in stores, and sellers in stalls and markets, saw a decline of 7%, leaving the total number of vacancies at 10,338.

These fluctuating trends in job vacancies highlight the intricate interplay of economic factors, including the cost of living and industry-specific demands. As the nation navigates these shifts, the coming months are likely to shed further light on the trajectory of the job market and its implications for the broader economy.



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