Government Implements Comprehensive Public Transportation Reform to Prevent 12% Fare Increase


by Ifi Reporter Category:Government Jul 26, 2023

In response to public concerns over a potential 12% increase in public transportation fares, the Israeli Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Finance collaborated on a comprehensive plan aimed at eliminating the price hike and encouraging greater usage of public transport. The multifaceted reform, spearheaded by Minister of Transportation and Road Safety Miri Regev, seeks to promote "transportation justice" and provide significant discounts to various segments of Israeli society.

Key elements of the reform include:

  1. Geographic Periphery Discount: To enhance accessibility for residents in the geographic periphery (localities ranked 1-5), a 50% fare discount on buses and trains will be offered to all individuals residing in these areas.

  2. Social Security Discount: Beneficiaries of social security programs will receive a 50% discount on public transportation fares, ensuring that vulnerable populations have better access to transportation services.

  3. Socioeconomic Rating Discount: Residents living in localities with socioeconomic ratings of 1-5 will also be entitled to a 50% fare reduction, aiming to alleviate financial burdens on those in less advantaged areas.

  4. Youth Discount: Young people aged 18-26 will enjoy a 33% discount on monthly public transportation contracts, further encouraging their regular use of buses, trains, and light trains.

  5. Free Travel for Discharged Soldiers: In an effort to support discharged soldiers, the government has decided to grant them an entire year of free public transportation trips, incentivizing them to utilize public transport extensively.

The financing for this ambitious program will be sourced from multiple avenues, including the Ministries of Transportation and Finance, the Authority for the Development of the Ultra-Orthodox Population, and adjustments to the rates of the rakals.

Beyond addressing fare increases, the reform also tackles traffic congestion by introducing a fare system that encourages consistent and frequent use of public transportation. This measure specifically targets monthly passengers who would have experienced a significant burden from the proposed fare hike.

Both Minister Miri Regev and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich expressed their commitment to easing the financial strain on Israeli citizens and prioritizing public transportation services. The collaboration between the Ministries of Transportation and Finance was praised for its determination in finding budgetary solutions to prevent the fare increase and enhance the public transport system.

The implementation of "transportation justice" is expected to foster a culture of reliance on public transportation, reducing the dependency on private cars and alleviating the overall cost of living for the Israeli public.



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