Local Authorities in Arab Region Protest Budget Freezing Disrupting Services and Education


by Ifi Reporter Category:Government Aug 21, 2023

local government center has announced a suspension of public reception services until 10:00 and a refusal to answer incoming phone calls. This move comes in response to the Ministry of Finance's decision to freeze crucial budgets for the Arab community, sparking outrage and concern within local authorities.

The Ministry of Finance's decision revolves around the allocation of 550 million shekels, amounting to a billion shekels over five years, as compensation for perceived imbalances in the grant formula. Intended to bolster the current budgets of local authorities, these funds have been frozen by the Ministry, with allegations from Uri Smotrich, the Minister of Finance, that they are linked to organized crime activities.

These funds, which are part of a broader budget totaling 2.5 billion shekels, earmarked for various five-year plans in the Arab society, have left the local authorities grappling with the repercussions of this financial freeze.

Haim Bibbs, Chairman of the Local Government Center, condemned the freeze, labeling it an attack on the most vulnerable local authorities. He emphasized that these budgets are vital for essential services, education, welfare, infrastructure, and addressing socioeconomic disparities. Bibbs stated, "This prolonged budget freeze is pushing these authorities to the brink of dysfunction, hindering their ability to cater to the needs of their residents."

Mayor Raid Deka of Baqa al-Gharbiyya echoed these sentiments, underscoring the urgency of the situation. He announced that the committee of local authorities has decided to delay the start of the school year in Arab education as a protest against the Finance Minister's delay in disbursing funds. Deka emphasized that these funds are desperately needed and are essential for sustaining essential services. "We need them like air to breathe," he stated passionately.

Moreover, Deka outlined a broader struggle in the Arab society, accusing the Israeli governments of alienating the Arab population and contributing to the ongoing crime crisis. The suspension of services, he clarified, is just the initial step in a larger battle for equity and recognition of Arab society's rights.

Bibbs further issued a warning regarding a looming crisis in the education sector. If an agreement isn't reached by September 1 between the Ministry of Finance and the organization of secondary teachers, the local government center will refrain from joining an appeal to the House of Labor for restraining orders against teachers. This move holds weight as the center, not the state, is the direct employer of high school teachers. Bibbs called for substantial discussions aimed at resolving the ongoing crisis rather than merely appeasing the courts.

As tensions escalate and authorities stand united against the budget freeze, the Arab community braces for potentially extended disruptions to critical services and education unless a resolution is reached soon.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has taken the decision to freeze the transfer of NIS 314 million to Arab authorities, citing the need to review coalition commitments made by the previous government. The freeze was requested by Interior Minister Moshe Arbel, who argued for the funds' release.
The budgets in question amount to NIS 200 million for current expenses of local authorities, NIS 100 million for economic development projects, NIS 10 million for accessibility, and NIS 4 million for emergency assessments. A significant portion of the funds, NIS 200 million, was earmarked for the formulation of the economic and social development plan of the Arab society, Takadom after it was discovered that the current formula for balancing grants to local authorities discriminates against Arab authorities. As negotiations for a revised formula were inconclusive, the decision was made to allocate additional funds from the current budget



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