The average wage in Israel increased to NIS 11.6 thousand per month - in High-tech to NIS 26.24K


by Ifi Reporter Category:Financial Dec 2, 2021

The average wage in Israel increased in September 2021 compared to the corresponding period in 2020, even though the number of jobs in the economy also increased. This shows that the anomalous situation that characterized the corona crisis - an abnormal increase in the average wage due to the waves of dismissals - is changing and there is a real increase in the average wage. This may be because of the high demand for workers, which creates pressure on employers to raise wages.
The average wage of workers in Israel in September was NIS 11.6 thousand per month. This is a decrease of about 1% compared to the average wage in August. At the same time, there was a decrease in the number of employee jobs in the Israeli economy in September to 3.62 million jobs, probably due to seasonal effects at the end of the summer vacation.
During the corona crisis, there was an unusual phenomenon in the labor market: a sharp jump in the average wage in the economy. The reason for this was extensive layoffs and the taking of workers on unpaid leave, especially in the weaker class of workers, who receive lower wages. The distorted picture obtained was an increase in the average wage. Thus, during March 2020 and April 2021, when the rounds of layoffs were particularly extensive, the average salary jumped to NIS 12.5 thousand per month, compared with less than NIS 11,000 before the crisis.
As of September 2021, the number of jobs in the economy is still low compared to the period before the crisis. It has apparently even declined in recent months, due to seasonal changes. The number of employee jobs in September 2021 reached 3.622 million - lower than in February 2020, when there were 3.78 million workers in Israel who issued a pay slip.
However, if you compare the data of September 2021 to September 2020, you find that there has been an increase in both the number of jobs - and the average salary. Thus, the number of jobs jumped by almost 7%, and at the same time the average wage in the economy rose by almost 3%. This means that despite the return of "weak" workers to work, the average wage in the economy continues to climb.
This may be due to the wage pressures created due to demand for workers. The number of job vacancies in the economy is breaking records month after month and has recently reached more than 140,000 jobs. The number of resigners is also relatively high. Since employers are unable to recruit workers, they are forced to raise the wages of existing workers.
The high-tech sector, where the half-wage pressure is probably particularly heavy, continues to lead the wage table with an average wage of NIS 26.24 thousand per month - a jump of 8% compared to September 2020. In September 2021 the number of high-tech workers reached 349.5 thousand - an increase of 7.2 % Compared to September 2020 (325.9 thousand).



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