HOT concluded the third quarter with revenues of € 246 million, down 1.6%


by Ifi Reporter Category:Communication Nov 12, 2019

The telecommunications and cable company HOT concluded the third quarter of 2019 with revenue stability, crossing the threshold of one million customers in stationary products. This is according to reports by Patrick Drehi's Altice Europe Altice Europe company, which controls the HOT.
Quarterly EBITDA fell 14% year-on-year to € 93 million, which also includes TAT ​​- Altis's technician company in Israel. The company's revenues in the third quarter were € 246 million, down 1.6% on the same quarter. The company noted that the decline was due to continued competition in the company's operating segments in both the cable and mobile sectors.
Stationary revenues (TV, Internet and telephone) totaled € 144 million, down 7% on the corresponding quarter. Mobile revenues (HOT Mobile) totaled € 71 million, up 12% on the same period, thanks to an increase in end-of-season and seasonal equipment sales. Business revenues totaled EUR 31 million, up EUR 3 million from the corresponding quarter.
The number of subscribers on the stationary phone crossed the threshold of one million customers and stood at a million and 8,000 at the end of the quarter, after a quarterly increase of 9,000 net subscribers - more than the previous quarter when 6,000 subscribers were added.

This is the highest customer recruitment since the Altis IPO in 2014, and despite fierce competition since the entry of Cellcom and Partner into the television sector. This puts the company with a 45% stake in the TV market and 30% in the Internet market. One of the reasons is that the company returned to the market in August up to 500 MB, after the Ministry of Communications suspended this activity in June in light of failures discovered by competing ISPs. To date, about 15,000 subscribers have joined the service.
Tal Granot-Goldstein, CEO of the HOT Group, said: "In the third quarter, the company showed stable revenue and growth in subscriber status. The company has crossed the million mark
The customers in the cable sector and inhibit the revenue erosion trend. HOT is the only telecommunications group in Israel that has grown in subscribers in both the cable and cellular sectors, and is recording a record of approximately 21,000 subscribers in the third quarter. "
The number of mobile subscribers increased by 12,000 net subscribers to 1.35 million subscribers. This is an acceleration in the subscription rate, after 5,000 new subscribers were added in the previous quarter. The source of the increase may be, among other things, a market-breaking package offered by the cellular company in August together with Sunny, a Samsung importer in Israel, for NIS 14.90.
In doing so, HOT Mobile holds the fourth place in Israel in terms of market share with approximately 15% of all subscribers in Israel. The company's investments (CapEx), together with TAT, totaled EUR 62 million, up EUR 10 million from the corresponding quarter.
Since the cable company ceased trading on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in September 2018, it does not report its results in detail, but as part of Altis Europe's reports.




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