President Herzog Assigns Responsibility to Prime Minister Netanyahu Amid Constitutional Crisis


by Ifi Reporter Category:Politics Jul 26, 2023

In the midst of a constitutional crisis in Israel following the repeal of the reason for reasonableness, President Yitzhak Herzog has charged Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu with finding a swift solution to the pressing issue. President Herzog emphasized that those in positions of power bear greater responsibility for resolving critical matters that affect the state and society.

Addressing the nation, President Herzog expressed his concern over the ongoing crisis, stating that he sees the pain, frustration, and anxiety among the Israeli people. He highlighted the urgent need for reaching out and finding common ground to avoid further polarization and potential violence.

In response to the situation, Prime Minister Netanyahu took to social media, expressing his belief in the possibility of reaching agreements among the involved parties to resolve the crisis.

However, President Herzog also acknowledged his disappointment, stating that he had previously warned about the potential consequences of not addressing the issues. He reassured the public that he and his team remain committed to lowering walls and building bridges between opposing factions.

President Herzog also addressed military personnel who had announced their refusal to report for service, expressing admiration for their dedication and sacrifice but also urging them to reconsider their actions due to potential harm to Israel's security.

The current crisis centers around an amendment to the "Basic Law: The Judiciary," which eliminates the court's ability to review government decisions using the reason of reasonableness. Despite widespread protests against the amendment, it was approved and has entered into force.

While President Herzog has not yet signed the law, his signature is deemed technical and not a point of discretion. It is a customary procedure for the president to sign every law enacted by the Knesset before it takes effect.

Leaders of opposition parties, including Yair Lapid, Benny Gantz, and Avigdor Lieberman, have not contacted President Herzog, believing that such an attempt would not be effective in influencing the situation.

Amid the ongoing crisis, President Herzog remains hopeful about his role as a mediator between the coalition and the opposition, seeking to foster dialogue and understanding among all parties involved.

The situation has drawn significant attention, both within Israel and internationally, as it marks a crucial test for Israeli democracy and stability. President Herzog's call for unity and restraint in times of difficulty reflects the gravity of the challenge faced by the nation.

As the crisis unfolds, the world watches closely to see how Israel's leaders will navigate these tumultuous times and work towards preserving the nation's democracy and cohesion.



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