The restrictions on Ben Gurion Airport are lifted after two months. But two days before the election the number of departures from Israel is expected to be greater than the number entering the country: midnight the restrictions on Ben Gurion Airport will expire. Departure to Israel for those who are not vaccinated or recovering.
On Saturday evening, members of the Corona Cabinet approved the amendment of Ben Gurion Airport regulations following the High Court ruling, so that the limit of 3,000 passengers a day at Ben Gurion Airport will be abolished in accordance with the High Court ruling, the mechanism for approving abnormal flights will be abolished. Sustain the whole economy.
The scope of daily flights will be limited to the effective capacity of Ben Gurion Airport, which is affected both by the need to comply with the requirements of the Corona regulations and by the need to carry out tests and social distance. In any case, foreigners wishing to enter Israel will still have to apply to the Population and Immigration Authority before departure.
As part of the preparations at Ben Gurion Airport with the return to activity of many airlines and the significant increase in flight destinations, 3 dozen Corona checkpoints for landing in Israel were placed in the reception hall and in the tent adjacent to the terminal. On Sunday, 8,400 passengers are expected to pass through Ben Gurion Airport in 60 flights, while just before the election on Tuesday, the number of takeoffs is expected to be higher: 3,800 passengers land and 4,600 takeoffs.
The restrictions are lifted after last Wednesday the High Court ruled in a dramatic decision that the government's regulations for restrictions on Ben Gurion Airport are "unconstitutional", among other things due to the long period of restrictions, without giving citizens sufficient time to organize and clarifying the date when they will be removed. The citizen.
The Ministry of Health said that opening the skies could lead to the entry of dangerous variants into Israel and increase the morbidity, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also sharply criticized. "Even this wrong decision of the High Court, the irresponsible decision, will not cause another closure," he said on Tuesday.
Since the High Court's decision, government officials - including the Ministries of Transportation and Health, the National Security Council and the Legal Advisory Service - have tried to find a new formula that will allow control over the thousands of Israelis who come to Israel and are supposed to continue home isolation. Among other things, the possibilities were raised to limit the number of entrants to 7,000 daily and to require an antigen test at the entrance to Israel, but the attempts were unsuccessful.
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