Ministry of Health Urges Nationwide COVID-19 Vaccination as New Omicron Substrains Emerge


by Ifi Reporter Category:Health Sep 22, 2023

Ministry of Health has issued a resounding recommendation for universal COVID-19 vaccination amid the emergence of new substrains of the Omicron variant. This announcement comes as a proactive measure to safeguard public health and curb the spread of the virus.

The Ministry has instructed health insurance funds to facilitate the vaccination of children aged 12 and older against these new strains, beginning after the Sukkot holiday. The vaccination strategy will prioritize individuals at higher risk of severe illness due to COVID-19. Subsequently, with the anticipation of an additional vaccine supply, the vaccination campaign will expand to encompass broader segments of the population.

Furthermore, the Ministry strongly advises individuals to receive a booster dose during the upcoming fall months, ideally coinciding with flu shots to maximize protection against both diseases.

Recent data shared by the Ministry of Health indicates a moderate rise in hospitalizations attributed to COVID-19, although the majority of cases remain mild. Nevertheless, there has been a notable increase in the number of patients in critical condition, and a slight uptick in COVID-19-related fatalities. Over the past three months, the number of individuals hospitalized in mild condition has risen from 117 to 281, while those in serious condition increased from 24 to 61.

In response to global and local reports of a new coronavirus variant and the escalating number of cases, the Ministry initiated widespread PCR testing in internal hospital wards at the start of the month. This move aims to assess the extent of COVID-19 morbidity in Israel and to inform subsequent public health actions.

It is important to note that the Ministry of Health faces challenges in obtaining a comprehensive picture of COVID-19 morbidity due to the predominant use of at-home testing and clinical diagnoses without laboratory confirmation. Consequently, the data available to the Ministry represents only a partial snapshot of the true extent of the pandemic in Israel.

As the situation evolves, the Ministry of Health remains committed to safeguarding the health and well-being of the population through proactive measures, vaccination campaigns, and ongoing monitoring of the pandemic's impact. Stay tuned for further updates as this situation continues to develop.



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