Education Minister: Full Return to Routine in Green Areas Despite Complaints from Kindergartens


by Ifi Reporter Category:Government Nov 9, 2023

Education Minister Yoav Kish has declared a complete return to routine in the education system for schools located in green areas with no significant restrictions from the Home Front Command. Minister Kish expressed confidence that, barring any deterioration in the situation, the education system will resume normal operations starting next Sunday in these green zones.

As part of this initiative, kindergartens will revert to a six-day school week, overturning the previous option for a five-day schedule. Minister Kish acknowledged complaints regarding some kindergarteners exploiting the flexibility and taking an extra day off.

The Home Front Command is expected to announce the return of authorities, including Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan, to the green zone. However, Minister Kish mentioned that if the heads of the authorities request a day or two for organizational purposes, such delays will be accommodated.

"I intend to go for a significant process of repetition and routine, and this includes teaching staff," stated Minister Kish. He emphasized the need to set the educational system back in motion, acknowledging potential complexities in certain areas. Since the beginning of the war, Minister Kish has championed a policy of flexibility and autonomy for local authorities, allowing them to decide whether and how to open educational institutions, even when designated as green by the Home Front Command.

Several authorities chose to maintain stricter measures, continuing partial learning under limitations designated for yellow areas. Minister Kish assured that the move towards normalcy would be a collaborative effort with local authorities. He highlighted that the call for a return to routine had also been voiced by students and parents, emphasizing ongoing dialogue with authorities.

Minister Kish revealed that 1,500 applications have been received from educators willing to teach at evacuation centers in Eilat and the Dead Sea. Out of these, 150 have been accepted. He added that additional teachers and kindergarteners would be deployed to centers in Tel Aviv and other locations facing a shortage of educators.

The Education Minister's announcement comes amid efforts to restore stability and regularity to the education system, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between authorities, educators, and the broader community.



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